Let Intention Be Your Guide
This year we dug into a basement remodeling project. First, we considered how we wanted to use the room. Since we would use it primarily for media (TV, movies and gaming), we realized two windows [...]
This year we dug into a basement remodeling project. First, we considered how we wanted to use the room. Since we would use it primarily for media (TV, movies and gaming), we realized two windows [...]
“Are we there yet?” is the familiar backseat refrain of many a family car trip. Whether it is a quick trip to the store or long summer road trip, it is hard for kids to [...]
When it comes to wellness, parenting and business planning, it always helps to walk your talk. In our family this plays out literally when we take our teenagers and our dog Cooper out on hikes. [...]
I recently designed, planned and facilitated a nine attorney retreat for the Portland law firm, Richardson Wright LLP. We paid specific attention in planning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, being careful to observe requirements [...]
I'm presenting a CLE on Productivity as part of the Clark County Bar Association's 2020 Annual Meeting. Learn more and register at: https://www.ccbawashington.org/event-calendar
UNconference an interactive on line limited capacity event hosted by the Multnomah Bar Association, which I will be facilitating. $30 for MBA Members; $50 for non-members Learn more and register here: https://mbabar.org/education/unconference-2020/ Questions? Contact me [...]
Nigel: "You're a Ten on your guitar, where can you go from there? Where?" Marty: "I don't know." Nigel: "No where. Exactly. What we do is if we need that extra push over the cliff [...]
Ask the Productivity Coach is a live CLE program with opportunities to share, learn and explore! I will provide tips, tricks and best practices on a specific productivity topic for each session. We will have time [...]
Ask the Productivity Coach is a live CLE program with opportunities to share, learn and explore! I will provide tips, tricks and best practices on a specific productivity topic for each session. We will have time [...]
Ask the Productivity Coach is a live CLE program with opportunities to share, learn and explore! I will provide tips, tricks and best practices on a specific productivity topic for each session. We will have time [...]