Ask the Productivity Coach (free online event)
Ask the Productivity Coach is a free weekly online event. Learn about and discuss productivity topics with Heather Decker, JD.
Ask the Productivity Coach is a free weekly online event. Learn about and discuss productivity topics with Heather Decker, JD.
Do you avoid tackling the project that needs an hour of your attention until you can just complete just one "quick task"? Do you get distracted while working on an important task to do several [...]
Each year I update my service offerings to reflect what seems to be working for my clients. Ironically, my ideal coaching client is someone who might need and want Productivity Coaching, but struggles to find [...]
To celebrate the holidays I'm rolling out a new service for new clients - an Introductory Coaching Engagement! Conducted by phone, this Introductory Coaching Engagement can help you get traction and make progress on one [...]
I recently updated my website and branding from "Business Management Coach" to "Productivity Coach." Why? What do either of these terms mean? Glad you asked! Productivity Coaching more accurately describes the results my clients achieve [...]