Special Offers
Check in often for discounts and special offers on coaching engagements and other services. (Discounts may not be combined.)
Solo & Small Firm Section Member Discount
Members of a professional association's Solo & Small Firm (SSF) section can take $350 off a Coaching Subscription or Individual Coaching Engagement. Or, take $250 off an Introductory Coaching Engagement. (Proof of membership required.) SSF sections have valuable resources for solos and [...]
Firm and Employer Discounts
Firms and other employers who engage me to work with two or more clients in a calendar year will receive $300 off Coaching Subscriptions and Individual Coaching Engagements. Offer expires on December 31, 2025. Contact me to learn more or to [...]
Nonprofit or Public Service Discount
Clients who work for a nonprofit or in a public service role can take $350 off a Coaching Subscription or Individual Coaching Engagement. Or, take $250 off an Introductory Coaching Engagement. Offer expires on December 31, 2025. Contact me to learn more [...]
Coaching for 2 (or 3)
Join forces with a friend, colleague or business partner for a joint coaching engagement! "Coaching for 2 (or 3)" clients get all the benefits of individual coaching along with a built in accountability partner. Some duos (or trios) use coaching [...]