Ask the Productivity Coach: Working From Home CLE
July 8, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
| $30Ask the Productivity Coach is a live CLE program with opportunities to share, learn and explore! I will provide tips, tricks and best practices on a specific productivity topic for each session. We will have time for discussion, question and answer with attendees.
Join us on Wednesdays at 1-2 pm (Pacific) via Zoom videoconference for this Summer CLE Series.
Registrants will receive instructions for joining the Zoom videoconference via e-mail. This is a live program only. Recordings are not available on demand. (0.75 OSB CLE credit will be sought for each program.)
Summer CLE Series
July 8 at 1 pm – Productivity and Working from Home
July 22 at 1 pm – Productivity and Priorities
August 5 at 1 pm – Productivity and Profitability
August 19 at 1 pm – Productivity and Wellness
Working from home can be out of necessity or by choice. Either way, it holds the possibility of hidden benefits to your productivity. In this program we will cover the meta issues of productivity while working from home, including, the importance of communication, expectations, priorities, routines and schedules for yourself, your colleagues and your household.
Fee: $30 per person per session
Bonus: All registrants will receive 20% off a Coaching Engagement (expires 8/31/2020)
Register for upcoming programs at